Operating a health club is expensive, and one of the biggest costs for most operators is the utility bill.
Here, Steve Eddleston, a Planet Fitness franchisee with 13 clubs in Rhode Island and Southern Massachusetts, shares why he partnered with Save Energy Systems to lower his clubs’ utility bills by at least 20 percent.
CS: Why did you decide to partner with Save Energy Systems?
SE: They offer a Planet Fitness corporate-tested energy management solution that I expect will save me 20 percent or more on my utility bills and make it much easier for me to manage my HVAC system and maintenance going forward.
CS: Does having a properly cooled/heated club impact the member experience?
SE: Absolutely. And having this remotely controlled means we can react more effectively and quickly to issues 24/7. It also helps us manage our maintenance techs — we can given them better fault information and be assured their work resolves the problem. We were amazed that it even helped us commission new equipment for new gyms much more effectively as well.
CS: How would you describe Save Energy Systems’ customer service?
SE: Top notch. When you have the CEO of the company overseeing the service and support, what else can you expect? Paul Laskow does an amazing job ensuring we get the support we need.
CS: Why should other clubs consider partnering with Save Energy Systems?
SE: For the same reasons I made the move. Save Energy Systems offers better control and optimization of the member experience regardless of season and time of day, and reduced peak demand, which translates to lower HVAC operating cost and therefore higher EBIDTA.
For more information on Save Energy Systems, visit www.saveenergysystems.com.
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Rachel Zabonick-Chonko is the editor-in-chief of Club Solutions Magazine. She can be reached at rachel@peakemedia.com.