Elusive. Obvious. Sexy. Boring. Simple. Complicated. Expensive. Free. Generic. Customized. Fad. Scientific Solution. Group. One-on-One. Supplements. Food.
What is the subject of all these adjectives? Nutrition.
Like it or not, everyone is talking about food and most people are confused by it. This one human necessity is hands down the most complicated subject, with more ways of approaching it than any other subject known to man.
Entire industries are devoted to managing, manipulating, profiting, supporting or developing what they need, to create a following or awareness. Billions of dollars are spent trying to crack the nutrition code and solve a desire, goal or need. And millions of dollars are spent in marketing, promotion, creation, research and development, and programming, all trying to crack the nutrition code.
The fitness industry is in a very unique position right now to consume an entire industry of consumers who have grown a distaste and distrust of the diet industry. At this very moment, there are millions of consumers searching for a solution to crack their own nutrition code and they don’t know who to trust or where to spend their money.
As a whole, the fitness industry can actually crack the nutrition code just by opening up its mind to the possibility that doing so can actually change the face of the how a consumer approaches this topic, within this new territory.
By offering these eager and willing consumers a “home,” a solution they can manage and the coaching to master it, the nutrition code can not only be cracked, but also re-written, with an educational component.
People want to believe they are doing something proactive and meaningful to reach their goals. They want to share their story and have someone listen. They want to cultivate relationships with people they trust. These are all desires being met within the fitness industry already.
By offering a solution of nutrition, not just a product line or empty promises, you will meet the consumers where they already are. Move out of the crowded and noisy space of diet programs, and offer a proven, scalable and healthy solution for nutrition that cracks the code for your customers.
Be who they need you to be right now.
Carolyn Fetters is the founder and CEO of Balanced Habits, based in Southern California. She can be reached at carolyn@balancedhabits.com or 657.231.6779.