On October 7, IHRSA, REX Roundtables and Club Solutions Magazine presented the 27th installment of a weekly virtual roundtable series, on the subject of virtual...
Read moreDetailsWhether you’re surfing the net, talking to neighbors, reading the paper or watching TV, the most popular phrase being used today is unequivocally “the new...
Read moreDetailsCooper Fitness expert Mary Edwards talks about personal training considerations in a post-COVID world. As clubs continue to reopen across the U.S., and others face...
Read moreDetailsThe fitness industry has changed dramatically, and no area more so than personal training. Everyone is scrambling to rethink how business is conducted. How do you effectively...
Read moreDetailsVirtual training, while an uncomfortable experience for coaches, can lead to great growth for those providing the service and for their business. Like training programs...
Read moreDetails“I’m not sure what my schedule is. Can I let you know?” “I know what I’m doing.” There will always be people who fall through...
Read moreDetailsConnections made from trainers to clients can be one of the most valuable assets to a club’s experience. The bonds and success stories that stand...
Read moreDetailsPersonal training is a great source of ancillary revenue for many club operators. But in the face of increasing competition from boutique training studios and...
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