After taking on a new position, one can often face several challenges when changing and implementing new systems so that they coincide with their own style. I was recently asked for some advice on these very items and this was my response:
Getting into the system of training new employees can be one of the most rewarding and exciting things you can do as a manager. I can definitely relate to taking over new areas where the current systems or procedures didn’t mesh with what I was used to.
However, before changing everything that is currently being done, I would first evaluate all current systems and find out what works and what doesn’t. Often, these systems were created with the best intentions in mind, but failed because they didn’t perform as originally intended, or short cuts were made that shouldn’t have been. Evaluate your systems, and make sure they are being done properly — then make changes as necessary.
The next thing I would focus on is making sure you have the right team members on board with you. One of the things we stress heavily at Gainesville Health and Fitness is that you hire the right people with the right personalities, and then teach them the things required to do the job — not the other way around. One bad apple can spoil the entire bunch, as negativity can be a virus amongst your staff.
As for training, I’ll stress again to evaluate what currently works and what doesn’t. We are very hands on with the training of our new hires and heavily stress our core values and overall culture of the company in each area of the club. The importance of constant and immediate feedback on your team is priceless, not just from you, but vice versa.
Let me know if you have any other questions and I would be happy to help out! Have fun, enjoy the experience and don’t let the tough times wear you down.
Adrian Antigua is the operations manager for Gainesville Health and Fitness in Tioga, Fla. Formerly a desk manager, Antigua is heavily involved in customer service and staff training. For questions on operations, e-mail Antigua at