There’s no doubt, data is king. People love to be in the know in almost every aspect of their lives, and fitness is no exception. How long were you on a treadmill? How far did you go? How many calories did you burn? These are all questions and needs that people want access to, and with the rise in fitness technology, people are becoming increasingly vested in their workout numbers.
Clubs have been switching to technology and data-driven classes to keep up with customer demands, but keeping up with the demand isn’t always enough to attract and retain members. To create an environment that draws people through the front door, clubs must move past basic personal data and toward purpose-driven, impactful technology. Here are a few ways clubs can use purpose-driven technologies to increase memberships and profits:
Create a Common Goal
People love being part of something. That is why workouts like CrossFit are so successful, because they create a community around their gyms. Incorporating technology that tracks the impact of an individual’s workout, like energy produced, to a larger goal of the whole club, provides members with a sense of purpose that is not available with most workouts. Being part of something that others are working toward also creates a sense of community and comradery that encourages members to come back again and again.
Incentivized Workouts
Getting healthy and getting in a good workout should be motivation enough, but additional benefits go a long way with members. By incorporating technology that tracks user’s individual workouts, clubs can offer benefits based on how many workouts a member completes or the intensity of their workout. Those incentives could be swag or even membership fee discounts.
Give Them Something to Talk About
Utilizing technology that is different than the average club and has a social purpose creates a sense of pride in members. When people are proud of the work they are doing, chances are they are going to tell people about it, which is the best marketing you can ask for. Creating word-of-mouth buzz is easy when members believe in what they are doing and are rewarded for doing it. It’s likely there are a lot more people willing to join in on something they can be proud of.
Ivo Grossi is an executive at SportsArt. For more information email or call 425.481.9479.