When it comes to maximizing retention for Group X, let’s get right to it with the following ideas:
1. Insert some fun programs in six-week cycles and then take them off the schedule for a month.
This keeps programs fresh and new, so when members become attached to the program they can’t wait for the next cycle to begin. This would work great with specialty-type programs like Pound and DISQ, that are unique and interesting. The excitement of the program won’t wear off this way.
2. Give members points for Group X attendance.
This works great and people really do fight for the most points — but only if the prize is a good one. Highlight the “member of the month” who got the most points with photos and acknowledgement on social media and in-club.
3. Keep solid records of Group X attendance, and when a member is not in class, contact them.
Let them know you care and can’t wait for them to come back. Members will come back if someone notices that they have been gone. Technology is too good these days for Group X directors not to be able to track this type of information.
4. Email your participants after classes.
If instructors and/or directors are communicating and thanking members for taking classes, the program will increase in attendance. Show that you care. Put a system in place for this. Once in place, it’s easy to maintain.
5. Figure out ways for instructors to have a common message or mantra that is stated at the beginning or end of each class.
Consistency of some sort from one instructor to another shows a strong community and makes a difference. Members like to see camaraderie between instructors. And, keeping instructors on the same page breeds a sense of belonging. Everyone wants to feel that they belong.
Follow these tips and you’ll be well on your way to maximizing your Group X retention.
Lori Lowell is the president of Group Fitness Solutions, LLC, and a Gold’s Gym franchisee. For more information email lori@groupfitnesssolutions.com.
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Lori Lowell is the president of Group Fitness Solutions, LLC, and a Gold’s Gym franchisee. She can be reached at lori@groupfitnesssolutions.com.