While most of us are familiar with setting our own personal goals to achieve New Year resolutions, how many of us apply the same principles to successfully achieve business goals in our clubs?
One survey indicated up to 42 percent of Americans make New Year resolutions, and the top resolution in 2017 was to “lose weight/healthier eating” (21 percent of respondents). Is it any wonder we see an influx of new members and increased visitation by our existing members in January?
To both leverage the increase in gym visitations during January and to set the club up for success in 2018, we can apply the “3 P” principles of “Plan, Prepare and Prioritize.”
Plan: Ideally, much of the planning should be done before the New Year, and implemented from January 1. The common plans should include an annual marketing plan that details the year’s events, community outreach promotions and sales initiatives. It should also include an operational plan of all the daily, weekly and monthly business systems and processes. Finally, clubs should have a strategic plan: the overarching dynamic and agile “road map” to achieve key strategic objectives.
Prepare: It’s critical your club creates a memorable first impression. After all, a clean, well-maintained and impeccably presented club should be the first and lasting impression a potential member has. One of the best ways to ensure this is the case is to conduct a regular club audit. Develop a checklist for all areas of your club, and use some of your team to regularly walk through to identify areas requiring improvement.
Prioritize: Your new members will need plenty of support at this time to successfully achieve their goals. Prioritize team training across all departments. Ensure your team is up-skilled in customer service to identify, engage and assist new members. Encourage visitation and provide the sales team with trial passes for new members’ friends and family. New members also provide great opportunities for member referrals and testimonials.
Kristen Green is the executive general manager at AquaFit. Email her at kgreen@aquafit.com.au.