List Industries, “America’s Most Complete Locker Line,” can take your club’s locker room design to the next level. To gain more insight on how to turn your club’s locker rooms into both a selling point and retention tool, we sat down with Stephen Troyano, the national sales manager for the family-owned business.
CS: What can you tell me about List Industries — how do you help health clubs?
ST: List Industries has been in business since 1936 and currently has over 500 employees nationwide, many with decades of experience in engineering, manufacturing and design to ensure all phases of your project run smoothly.
CS: What best practices can you share around locker renovations and/or installations?
ST: Understanding the installation environment is key. Moisture is the enemy and knowing what product will perform best is critical to the long-term success of any locker room project. For example, installing lockers in a swimming pool environment can be challenging, and I would recommend either phenolic or plastic lockers for best ROI.
CS: What advice would you share with a health club owner for getting the most out of their locker supplier/vendor partnership?
ST: It’s important to understand the difference between a millwork shop and a locker manufacturer when considering your locker room project, as this decision often determines lifecycle costs. When you purchase a locker from a local millwork shop, the life expectancy of the installation is very low. You may pay less money upfront for a millwork shop locker — but be aware these lockers will not withstand the damaged caused by environmental factors or user demands over time.
CS: What are some of the trends around locker room design health clubs should be aware of?
ST: The Z-Tiered locker is a great option for a health club. The Z-tier design gives the club member best use of his or her locker space to hang business suits and jackets without the wrinkling that often occurs with a standard two-tier locker. The footprint is the same, but the design is unique.
CS: Is there any advice you could offer around creating a secure and safe locker room area for members?
ST: Choosing the right lock for your environment is an important decision. The sales team at List Industries and our dealer network help owners understand the options available to make an informed decision that will best safeguard the user.
CS: Why should a health club work with List Industries?
ST: List Industries is a third-generation, family owned business based in the U.S. with the fourth generation in-place for the future. List Industries is the largest locker manufacturer in the world and all lockers are manufactured here in the U.S., from raw coil steel to finished installation. With six distribution centers located nationwide, we have in-stock products which can ship in five business days. A List Industries locker will stand the test of time and offer the best ROI in the industry.
CS: Is there anything else our readers should know about working with List Industries or locker rooms in general they may not be aware of right now, but should?
ST: List Industries has a world-class dealer network located throughout the U.S. With decades of experience, you can count on List Industries to design, manufacture and install a locker room that will last. Call List Industries today for more information on your next project.
If you have any questions, please contact Stephen Troyano at 843.371.4790 or visit
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Rachel Zabonick-Chonko is the editor-in-chief of Club Solutions Magazine. She can be reached at