There’s a lot that comes with the territory when you choose to be a leader. You are in a position where those around you are counting on you for direction. In all my research there is a common thread among some of the greatest leaders — they create space for themselves each day to reflect and prepare for their day. I too have taken up this practice and while it doesn’t always look perfect, I do my best each day to reflect and emulate the practices from the great leaders.
In the spirit of sharing, here are a few tips from my tool kit and other brilliant leaders!
Get Your Head Right
HeadSpace is an app I have come to really enjoy. Forcing myself to take a couple minutes to meditate and clear my mind before I begin my day. It is easy to make an excuse to why there are a million other things you could be doing with this time, and, creating the 5-10 minutes with Headspace, I am able to see the benefits of this app, quickly.
A new app that I just started using is called Shine. It is an interactive app that gives you different articles, quotes, music, etc to “help you thrive, daily.” This app has also been helpful for me personally, in taking the time to reflect and create a space for me to be my best. Take a look at interactive apps that you can have right at your fingertips to increase your daily motivation.
Find a Mentor
A great way to improve your leadership is by watching others in leadership roles and emulating the attributes they display that you admire. Seeking out guidance from someone that is doing the things that you hope to accomplish, will pave the path for you if you choose to take their advice. I am lucky enough to have some incredible women and men in my life to help me through my own personal opportunities and without them I don’t know where I would be.
It may feel uncomfortable to reach out to an individual, especially if you do not know them personally, but just go for it. You will be surprised by how open others are to be a mentor.
Oprah Winfrey said, “A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.”
Be Resilient
Kristen Green, who was awarded IHRSA’s Female Women Leader of the Year, says that to be a great leader you have to be resilient. Being resilient is having the ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change. There are a lot of ups and downs that are attached to being a leader, but if you have the quality of resilience, you will have more ups than downs.
Believe In Yourself
Trust yourself, you’ve got this. Not only does it feel good to stand on your own feet and say what you want, it radiates through other people when they are exposed to that kind of confidence.
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader,” said John Quincy Adams.
Getting your head right, finding a mentor, being resilient, and believing in yourself are just a few tips to becoming a better leader.
If you’re goal is to be your “best” then you know the secret is to find the tools work for you. The only way to be good for others is to feed your own personal self.
Lindsey Rainwater, also known as Lindsey RainH2O, is a sought-after business advisor, founder, writer and keynote speaker to the fitness and wellness industry. For more information about Rainwater, follow her on Twitter @LindseyRainH2o.
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Lindsey Rainwater is an experienced business advisor, executive coach and the founder of The Women in Fitness Association (WIFA). WIFA is the global association supporting women in their career trajectory helping them rise to their fullest potential in business and life.