Each month Blair McHaney, the CEO of MXM, sits down with Rachel Zabonick-Chonko, the editor-in-chief of Club Solutions Magazine, for a frank discussion on the current state of the fitness industry.
Top Subjects at the Retreat
- How do we attract the other 80%? Recovery and wellness are probably the avenues to entice those people.
- Think of exercise as biohacks and consider where you fall on the biohacking spectrum.
- Leadership. What it takes to be excellent in the industry: Decentralize command and empower frontlines.
- Technology in a tech-stack model.
- Attracting and obtaining talent.
- Current trends.
- We need to rethink how to use word “recovery.” Recovery might have a negative connotation to some people, so it may be better to use words like “mindfulness” and “mental health” instead. A healthy balance of these words might be the right approach.
- Rachel and Blair discussed how there was a huge focus on empowering front desk workers to assist with helping patrons.
Tech Stack
- There are a lot of technologies at our disposal, but there is no perfect option.
- The weakest block across all roundtables was “Look at Data and Adjust.” There needs to be more insight into job completion and how employees are succeeding in their tasks.
Tracking and Retaining Talent
- Potential employees are now in the driver’s seat in the interview process. They are asking more often why they should work for a specific company. It’s a large dynamic shift.
- More people are looking for companies that match their values, and we are put in more a position of selling in interviews.
- We think we know how to interview, but using predictive index technology when interviewing can help.
Current Trends
- Overall, attendees had a positive attitude towards current trends even with negative developments.
- What’s in our control that we can use to have a more positive impact on our industry and business?
- Applied optimism can help us get through challenges.
- The retreat saw a great group of attendees who were willing to work through problems and develop possible solutions. There was clear consistency between roundtables.
- Positive trends in the industry includes recovery and wellness, and negative trends discussed centered on recession and inflation.
Retreat and Summit Benefits
- Incredible, memorable locations for these events.
- They accelerate learning. Seeing other people provide problems and solutions gives you valuable insight on how to solves your own.
- People need to be around their peers in order to grow within the industry.
- There is plenty of social space for people as well at the retreat.
- Attendee spots for next year’s event will open October 8. There are 60 spots available. For more information, email rachel@peakemedia.com.
For more insights from Blair McHaney and to learn more about MXM, the world’s leading experts on Operational Member Experience Management, visit mxmetrics.com.