Three ideas for health club operators to creatively save revenue this summer.
Call me an optimist, but I believe your members have good intentions of staying on track with their workouts over the summer. I believe this even with school being out, sports schedules and spontaneous trips to the cabin. And more often than not, it’s scheduled workouts, which causes a bit of disconnection.
Business owners are taught to plan for a slow summer, but I want to challenge this. Customer needs change. If you can strategize to meet these needs and stay relevant to them, it’s possible to save revenue you have planned to lose and also add to your bottom line.
Use the below ideas to creatively save revenue this summer:
Idea 1: Update Your Membership Options
It’s not a downgrade. You’re changing the experience for a short time. Offer a membership upgrade though online or in-person clinics. A clinic is a targeted, educational seminar that is always interactive. You can offer these in-person or virtual.
Clinic Ideas
- The functional movement screen’s connection to performance.
- Best stretches to minimize lower extremity pain.
- Best exercises to increase your running mile time.
Clinic Strategy Tips
- Include physical or downloadable assets for members. For example, a worksheet, infographic or video.
- Set a schedule for clinics to run on a regular cadence throughout the summer.
- Promote additional training opportunities at the end of each session along with a discount for attending.
- Consider charging non-members for clinics or online education as a low barrier marketing strategy.
A Technology-Only Summer Experience
Overcome the time barrier to physically make it in to see you. The idea is to swap attending classes or sessions in-person to virtually sending regular workouts and staying accountable through tech. This will ensure you stay connected over the course of the summer. It’s also extremely helpful to utilize data through wearables as a form of accountability and coaching support. Decide and communicate clearly what members can expect. This includes:
- How and when workouts will be delivered.
- How you want to educate through extra tools or online assets.
- How often coaches or trainers will connect.
- If you use a wearable to track progress.
NOTE: This option will require you to decide on logistics that work best for your business.
Idea 2: Offer Exclusive Programming
Think about how photographers offer mini sessions for fall and winter. They often sell out because clients only need a few fall photos for Christmas cards. Use this tactic for classes or sessions that are very focused for a short period of time. Decide to sell a limited amount with the messaging to members “when they’re gone, they’re gone!” Follow through on the promise that spots truly are limited.
A few examples of focused session collections include:
- Cycling classes specifically for triathlon or increasing endurance.
- Master the major lifts and learn how to start safely for max effort goals.
- Building your best daily strength and cardio routine.
Idea 3: Create Virtual Mini Courses
This idea is more indirect. It serves as a powerful method for you and your team to showcase the value of your services to your current member and client base. Over the span of four to seven days, you can teach on a topic in a series of lessons delivered via email. The topic of your course should speak to a common hurdle you see present in your current clients and members. At the end, you can use it as a platform to promote your current offering as well as specific instructors or trainers who helped write the course.
Checklist for a Mini Course
- Use your current member and client list if they’ve agreed to receiving promotional emails from you. You can offer a special “opt in” to receive more mini courses to this group.
- Look to your current email management system to design and launch this.
- For a topic, dial in a very specific problem your services often solve for your members with your training. The goal is to show value in working with you and your team more.
- Example: No Pain and All the Gain. Our five-step process to feeling strong while reducing your risk of injury.
- Include links to worksheets, videos or visual tools for learners to access by simple use of a digital Dropbox or Google Document Folder.
- Each lesson should include links to directly contact you and purchase training, classes or sessions.
The common thread in all of these strategies is working to maximize time and increase connection in easy ways. Your members will enjoy the extra benefits and you will learn how to apply new methods that can be repeated each year.