Recently, the Newtown Athletic Club (NAC) started their very first Kids Wellness Series, operating through KidsFitness Programing. This program is a six-week series that includes weekly themes such as:
- Physical fitness and discussion on pre-workout and post-work fuel.
- Aerial yoga.
- Yoga in the NAC practice studio.
- Meditation and mindfulness.
- Nutrition lesson with registered dietitian Lisa James.
- Healthy skin care at our brand-new NAC wellness facility, The Well Lounge.
- Kid’s reiki.
At the end of the six weeks, children will receive a special award and a bundle of giveaways that will help them continue their wellness journey at home.
A parent of a kid enrolled in the Wellness Series stated, “The Kids Wellness Series is an amazing opportunity for our kids to learn about the importance of good nutrition, experience a variety of fitness classes and instruction. Most importantly it’s helping them build confidence and play an active role in their own health and well-being.”
Another trend we are starting is kid’s Reiki, a program NAC will offer to members and the general public.
Reiki is an ancient Japanese energy healing technique. The calming practice of Reiki can benefit children by promoting relaxation and confidence. Learning about and utilizing Reiki at a young age promotes a healthy way of living throughout their lives, helping children make better choices and create balance.
Other benefits include:
- Less likely to show signs of excitability and depression.
- Improves concentration.
- Enhances relaxation and sleep.
- Calms and promotes balance.
- Enhances self-awareness and self-esteem.
Reiki treatments are safe and non-invasive. Children today are dealing with anxieties, fears, peer pressures and educational pressures. Since Reiki works on all levels of the body – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, the body will be able to use the energy to find balance in its own way. It will adjust to the moment and the needs of the individual.
Through our unique wellness program and reiki initiative, children will learn independence, while developing important social skills – including, self-confidence, self-esteem and creativity. NAC’s motto is Healthy Body, Healthy Mind.