You will learn: - Key challenges organizations face in retaining talented employees.- Successful retention strategies that have worked in organizations.- How to identify and address...
Read moreDetailsWhy members are craving more feedback from testing and tracking technology. Whether wanting to achieve or maintain a healthy lifestyle, people love to see tangible...
Read moreDetailsDrew Surprenant, the director of account management and partnerships at ClubReady LLC, shares industry must-haves for your technology needs. Deciding on the right technology stack...
Read moreDetailsAndy Peat, the CEO of Fitness On Demand, shares how to create highly-personalized, customized member engagement. Committing the time for business planning and embracing new...
Read moreDetailsSean Turner, the CEO at Les Mills U.S., shares the importance of investing in your membership base in January. January is just around the corner...
Read moreDetailsMatt Velker, the CEO of OpenWrench, shares tips for managing one of your fitness facility’s most expensive assets: equipment. At the heart of every gym...
Read moreDetailsCarole Oat, the national sales manager for Twin Oaks Software, shares key ways software solutions can help generate more revenue. Navigating the complex and competitive...
Read moreDetailsBen Ludwig, the COO of Traction Group LLC, an F45 Training company, shares how to better understand your people and stats within your business. When...
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