It is never enough to tell a sales team or personal training manager to “improve sales” without knowing the areas in which they aren’t excelling....
Read moreDetailsA much appreciated initiative for the parents and a profitable venture for the club. There has been a great trend in the health club industry...
Read moreDetailsA VO₂ test is more than just assessing a client’s current level of fitness — it’s determining their precise workout zones based on their current...
Read moreDetailsHalf the year — that likely began with a rush of New Year’s resolutions — has now passed. Hopefully you followed New Year’s up with...
Read moreDetailsFor more than 80 years Pilates has been an exercise system focused on improving strength, flexibility and body awareness through controlled and precise movements using...
Read moreDetailsYour members are a captive audience, so why not tap into that resource for valuable feedback, comments, opinions and attitudes about topics that can improve...
Read moreDetails“Just Do It” is a phrase that we have all heard through Nike’s advertising campaigns. Those of us who work in the fields of health,...
Read moreDetailsBy this point in the year, the New Year’s Resolutioners have either joined a club (hopefully yours!) or given up, to maybe try again next...
Read moreDetails© 2023 Club Solutions Magazine. Published by Peake Media.