Tennis is a key component of many clubs, and as tennis participation continues to increase nationally, having a certified tennis professional leading your program will...
Read moreDetailsWith the emergence of governing bodies and established standards set by certifying organizations, the health and fitness industry has made extreme efforts to assure credibility....
Read moreDetailsUsing your income statement as the driving force to run your business creates a powerful, sensible connection between dollars coming in and going out, and...
Read moreDetailsMost modern-day educators have recognized the importance of learning not just by reading, but also by putting what is read into practice. That isn’t to...
Read moreDetailsIt’s so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day issues of running a club. Many club owners and managers that I speak with tell...
Read moreDetailsOne key piece of advice applies to both exercisers and facility members alike when addressing functional fitness: start at the beginning. What does that mean?...
Read moreDetailsThe next time you are in the checkout line at your supermarket, take a look at the covers of the fitness magazines on the racks....
Read moreDetailsI have some bad news for club owners. The next claim or lawsuit you will experience will very likely come from your own employee. The hot...
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