According to IHRSA’s 2016 report, “Profiles of Success,” over 18 million members have signed up for small group training (SGT). The reasons people are increasingly attracted to this fitness offering is obvious. Keeping them in and paying for the program, on the other hand, is a different story.
Nowadays, you will find top industry leaders talking about how it’s all about the member experience. It’s without a doubt that people’s expectations on service keep getting higher. As a result, fitness professionals and coaches must also raise their game to meet the needs of the member. This is especially true if you are asking for more money, like in SGT.
Here are five key factors to consider if you want to grow your SGT to its absolute capacity:
Initial and Ongoing Education: Fitness professionals can receive world-class personal training and Group X education from a variety of sources. Has your team received any education on SGT (non-equipment based)? Education is imperative if you want a world-class SGT department. Members notice the difference between average and professional.
Evidence-based Programs: Whatever program options you decide for your SGT department, random classes with loud music are not enough. People buy personal training because it delivers results. Your SGT program must be an evidence-based program with regular assessments on a pre-determined schedule. Members must constantly be reminded of their progress and understand how to progress from where they are today. Without regular testing, we can’t quantify success.
Communication Optimized: As mentioned in point one, so many fitness professionals have great knowledge on how the human body works and moves. Most have great rhythm and can host a big dance party, however, many of them fail to understand how to connect with different types of people. Regular coaching and program purpose must be clearly communicated every session.
Team Care: It’s a fact that when people pay more money, they expect a more personalized and enhanced experience. How does your company manage this? Although the real monetary value is hard to quantify, one must imagine the positive effects it will have on retention, monthly spend per member and personal commitment to their own success. These factors are amplified when SGT customers know someone has their back and authentically cares.
Culture: A powerful culture will fuel your department to achieve greatness by binding your staff together and amplifying the value of the program. If you are asking for more money, your department has to look, sound and feel different from the rest of your offerings. A strong culture can be achieved by authentic design and systemization.
According to the 2017 IHRSA Health Club Consumer Report, SGT should account for almost 9% of total revenue in fitness-only facilities. If your facility is not there, the good news is there is a massive opportunity for you in 2020.
J.P. Richard is the president of TRIBE Team Training USA. He can be reached directly at, or visit