Meredith Rosson, the assistant general manager of Cooper Fitness Center, shares how to be a membership motivator and create connection with Myzone.
I never thought I would be the type of person who would find fulfillment in my workouts from an extrinsic motivator. But after a couple of years using a Myzone heart rate tracking belt, Myzone has my number. The functionality of this tool to create community, connection and ultimately conversions, is of value to any club operator. Not only is Myzone my daily workout report card, it’s quickly become the go-to platform for Cooper Fitness Center members.
Create Community with Membership
Acknowledge Member milestones
On a member’s birthday or membership anniversary, I snap a photo with them and post a shout-out tagging them on my personal Myzone workout that day. It is a small token that goes a long way to help a member feel special and seen. It also spreads a sense of community to our membership base.
Keep tuned into your members’ achievements by scrolling through Myzone daily. We’ve found membership posts about completing a virtual Olympic Triathlon at our facility or birthday celebrations in cycle class just by taking a few minutes to look.
Make it Fun
Workouts are FUN(NY): One of my favorite ideas is to host a funny photo caption contest in Myzone. This introduces members to these photos and share features, and has the added bonus of making others smile. How it works — provide a humorous photo each week of the month and encourage members to post the photo with their funniest caption to Myzone. Then they share that workout to Instagram and tag your club’s account (to ensure you see all of the entries). From there, your club selects the best caption of the week and awards a prize.
Tip: Connect with other club operators on Myzone to learn from each other. We need to band together and help club communities stay connected. If anyone is interested in hosting an “Our Club vs. Your Club” challenge with Cooper Fitness Center, connect with me and let’s create some excitement together!
Use Myzone to Foster Connections
The social accountability component of Myzone is the biggest driver for me. I value the ability to connect to “my network” of our club of members and co-workers, but also with like-minded fitness enthusiasts around the world.
Similar to Instagram, we use Myzone’s photo feature to communicate new services, programs and equipment inside Cooper Fitness Center. Myzone effectively functions as a grassroots marketing tool — sharing content from a trusted friend.
Myzone Features to Use:
- Photo feature — post a photo using the new product or with a new instructor to keep it personal.
- Caption your workout — promote the service or new offering with a catchy caption instead of the default “workout.”
- Comments — beyond just liking a member’s workout, also add an engaging comment to share something new in the club.
Tip: One of the best ways to help an announcement really gain traction is with a Takeover Tuesday post/photo/caption. Share this with your team and request they all post this same photo/title that day promoting the new offering. The members connected on Myzone will see it several times in one day so the message will resonate.
Contests and Challenges
Cooper launched a Myzone Effort Points (MEPs) Series in 2021 consisting of monthly Myzone challenges with our members. We’re realizing friendly competition fosters member camaraderie. The “Challenge” feature in Myzone allows you to form groups and teams or compete individually toward a certain goal. Last month’s Battle of the Sexes Challenge at Cooper Fitness Center promoted some friendly banter with the males slightly edging out the females. The females are already demanding a rematch!
Create Conversion Among Members
With COVID-19 still impacting our operations, some members feel more comfortable training at home. At Cooper, Myzone is our trainers’ go-to tool for virtual clients. When clients see their own virtual workout data and how MEPs impact their health, this validates our services. It also shows our trainers can provide an effective workout — in any environment.
Myzone Features to Use:
- Like/Comment — staying in touch with clients outside of training times helps build a stronger team unit. You’d be surprised how far a like or comment can go to build that feeling of personal support between trainers and clients.
- Photo — take a sweaty selfie together at the end of the virtual training session. Encourage the client to post the photo in the Myzone platform.
Tip: Save the final minute of every virtual training session to recap their workout data from Myzone. Help them understand how your trainer’s expertise impacts the effectiveness and efficiency of their workout.
Myzone has successfully embraced some of the best features from our favorite social media platforms to position Myzone as an essential community, connective and conversion tool for fitness clubs. It is up to us to harness the potential within these social features to cultivate a stronger and more engaged membership.
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Meredith Rosson is the assistant general manager of Cooper Fitness Center, a 50,000-square-foot lifestyle, wellness and fitness facility located in Dallas, Texas. Meredith studied Exercise Physiology at University of Texas at Austin and has held integral leadership roles that have developed success in more than 13 departments since 2006. She is a member of The Women in Fitness Association and a former personal trainer. She can be reached at: